Altered DVD Tin

Okay, first a confession. I did not think this up myself! I saw this idea on Jen Balcer's blog (link on right, also from Splitcoast). I thought this would be a great gift for my friend Linda who will be attending the SU convention soon! I used the Petals and Paisley DP because it's the only DP I have that is current and these things are important to Linda! I wanted to keep the front kind of low profile so that it doesn't get hung up when you throw it in a bag. Hard to keep the embellishments at a minimum.
These are views of it open. I cut down a jr. mini legal pad. It fit width wise, but was just a little long. Covered the ugly black strip at the top with a scrap of DP.

The yellow square is a Post-It Notepad. Underneath is a little SU envie. Under the pink square is a bit of velcro so that the envie can be open and shut to keep receipts or other little bits in. I think I will customize a Pentel RSVP pen and make a pen loop too. This is the back. I wanted to keep it simple and let the DP speak for itself! I see several more of these in my future!

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